Invisorb® Spin Tissue Mini Kit 250 purifications

Invisorb® Spin Tissue Mini Kit 250 purifications

1032100300, Invisorb® Spin Tissue Mini Kit, 250 purifications, for purification of genomic DNA from 0.5 - 40 mg tissue sample, mouse tail or paraffin embedded/ formalin fixed tissue, 10 – 106 eucaryotic cells, swabs as well as from food samples of animal Designed for fast and simple isolation and purification of genomic DNA from tissue or paraffin embedded tissue using batch system (DNA-Invisorb Genomic DNA KIT II), from small amounts of human and animal tissue using spin columns format (Invisorb Spin Tissue Mini Kit).

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1 pc type of delivery price Quantity  
10 working days

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612,00 EUR
734,40 EUR
All prices plus Shipping costs. Gross prices including austrian tax rates.

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