0,2 ml qPCR Tubes 8-strip,with attached flat caps, regular profil, white, 125 strips /unit

0,2 ml qPCR Tubes 8-strip,with attached flat caps, regular profil, white, 125 strips /unit

0,2 ml qPCR Tubes 8-strip,with attached flat caps, regular profil, white, PP, for ABI 7500/7900, Agilent, BIORAD, Eppendorf and others, Dnase/Rnase and pyrogenic free, 125 strips /unit The thin-wall PCR 8-strip and cap produced by Kirgen is uniform in wall thickness to ensure reaction system to be heated homogeneously and remarkably reduces the evaporativity; The V-shape dip angle design of tube fits most brands of thermal cyclers; DNAse/ RNAse free and non pyrogens. • Manufactured from tough virgin polypropylene,ultra thin wall with uniformity in thickness. • Flat caps and bubble caps available to fit different thermal cyclers • Leak-proof and easy-open, comfort touch • Low evaporativity, low absorption and high thermal conductivity

1 Pck

Art.Nr. Lieferung Preis Menge  
10 Werktage


92,00 EUR
110,40 EUR
Alle Preise zuzüglich Versandkosten. Bruttopreise inklusive österreichischer Steuersätze.


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