Polypropylene peeling foil, single sheets, 100 pcs/pack

Polypropylene peeling foil, single sheets, 100 pcs/pack

900 510 * Polypropylene foil, 100pcs/pack, single sheets, peeling foil, glue is high solvent resistant (e.g. DMSO-resistant, Temp. Range: -80 Cto +120 C, for Microtitreplates, Deep Well Plates, 96 Micro Tubes and PCR Plates, Bio-inert single sheet sealing foils for all microtitreplates, deep well plates, PCR-plates, BioChips, cassette systems, etc. Clear optical Polypropylen foil To be used as sealing foil for Assay Plates, PCR plates, storage plates etc. • Glue is high solvent resistant (e.g. DMSO-resistant) • Usable with photometer plates up to 276 nm • Temperature working range: -80°C to 120°C • Packing: 100pcs./case

sales unit
1 Pck

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3 working days

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89,00 EUR
106,80 EUR
All prices plus Shipping costs. Gross prices including austrian tax rates.

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