6 Well Glass Bottom Imaging Plate, Zell-Kontakt

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Imaging Plate 6 Cover Glass, available in thickness 1.0 (145 µm ±15 µm) or 1.5 (170 µm ±15 µm), Format: 6 Well, chamber Format (HxLxW): 127,76 x 85,48 x 15,00 mm, Well Diameter: 32,0 mm, Total Volumen: 12112 µl, 1 pcs/bag, 20 pcs/box, Lid, steril, TC Surface Low skirt design, complete area access with immersion objectives Life cell imaging, immunohistochemistry, super high resolution microscopy, fluorecence correlation spectroscopy, laser scanning microscopy, high content analysis. In addition direct fixation and staining within the plates is possible (formaldehyda, glutaraldehyde, alcohols and acetone can be used). Acetone should not be applied more that 10 minutes because the plate body is made from polystyrene and subsequent to the material reaction the cover glass may detach. Imaging Plates CG can be used between -20°C and 50°C. Due to the cover glass bottom the application of high resolution immersion objectives with high numerical aperture is possible. Water, oil and glcyerine can be used as immersion media. Cell adhesion, spreading and distribution are supported by our approved plasma surface modification. Refractive Index 1,52 Abbe´s number 50 Light transmission @ 310 nm >85% Light transmission @ 360 nm >90%

1 Pck

Art.Nr. Glass Thickness Lieferung Preis Menge  
#1.0, 6CG 1.0 10 Werktage


360,00 EUR
432,00 EUR
#1.5, 6CG 1.5 10 Werktage


360,00 EUR
432,00 EUR
Alle Preise zuzüglich Versandkosten. Bruttopreise inklusive österreichischer Steuersätze.


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